Monday, December 13, 2010

4 Months TODAY!!!!

I'm 4 months NATURAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am learning so much about my hair. I have started a regiment which I am very excited about and I have notice hair growth!

Every Sunday I deep condition with a homemade avocado mix.
1 avocado
1/2 can coconut milk
2 tablespoons of pure honey
2 table spoons of coconut oil
a few squirts of Suave Rosemary and Mint Conditioner.

I use my emergent blender to mix everything up. After I shampoo and condition my hair, I put the mix all over and then use a plastic cap for the mixture to sit on my hair for about 1 hour. After the hour, I rinse out with cold water, apply a leave conditioner and then style.

Since it has been cool in the mornings, I haven't done many wash and goes. So for my protective style in November, I rocked braids using the Kinky Twist hair for three weeks (hence my absence of posting :).

I am still experimenting with different products, but still keeping in mind, not to turn in to the ultimate product junky. I have read so much about Yest to Carrots and Giovanni. While at my local Target, I found mini samples of each that was in my budget and of course I had to buy and then if I didn't like it, I didn't spend a whole lot of money nor do I have gigantic bottles of product just sitting around.

I have also been visiting my local health food store, the Vitamin Shoppe. I was able to find the J/A/S/O/N products half off!!!!! So yes, I did buy it, although it was in its original bottle, I didn't feel bad if I didn't like it since I only paid a few dollars.

I am still continuing to research to find out different product's that may work for my hair. I am still madly in love with Shea Moisture products. I have purchased Tressemme - only used once. Yes to Carrots - love the conditioner. J/A/S/O/N - only used once. I am currently using ECO Olive Oil Gel which I love, but I have come across a homemade recipe for gel using FLAX SEEDs...this is a must try.

I have been thinking about straightening my hair during the Christmas Holiday's to get my ends clipped. I am a little nervous about it because I have been reading about heat damage. So I must continue my research to find the right product to protect my hair while straight.

NEXT THOUGHT - Protecting hair from heat damage.

Here are a few styles that I have been wearing during my 4 months.