Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bad Hair Day

Well, it's been a few days but I have so much to share.

Last week was actually a bad hair week to start and to end on Friday, it was a really bad day. I didn't take as much care to my transitioning hair as I usually doing. Following my routine, of wash, condition, water soak and then gel. All I could think was, "next week will be my big chop, just wait a little while. Then Friday came...I called my best girl to get her natural stylist name and number. I called to make my appointment for my BC that afternoon.

Salon of choice...Running Water Natural Hair Salon. While I waited for the stylist, she informed me that the owner will cut my hair. Now I'm thinking, hmmm, that's nice, the owner is actually considerate and wants to make sure I have "quality service" :). To the shampoo bowl I went. The stylist shampooed, conditioned and conditioned and I sat for a while with the conditioner. My thought's....wow, my hair really feels clean, squicky clean and she released the water from my hair. Then I waited for the owner to finish twisting a new transitioning client's hair. While sitting, I wasn't chicking out, I was actually really excited that I was getting ready to have my big chop.

When the owner was finished, I showed him a style that I liked, he said ok. Then...CHOP!!! Suprising I was calm, but I would have never thought I would hear a pair of scissors cut the way his scissors. Then my chest started to hurt, lol. But I made my self calm down and then it was over. My permed ends were no more, I am now a Hair Naturalist!

Next thought...more research on what to do...keeping my natural hair moisturized!


  1. Lovely! Co-washing, and using natural oils is a great way to keep your hair moisturized.

  2. Nice. Once again..happy hair journey.

  3. @ LaNeshe: I'm working on the co-washing.

    @ Lady G: Thank- you! :)
